Thursday, August 31, 2017

Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff Working On New Album | Heathers Reboot in the ...

Well, Jazzy Jeff and Will Smith have a new song track that’s coming out called GET LIT. And it just Debut'd Sunday August 27th.
They performed the song at the Livewire Festival 2017 and just before they performed the song, Will told the crowd that they were working on a new record "that you haven't heard yet".
When asked about the new song - Will Smith said:
"I wanted to make a song that allowed people to let their light shine. We all have inner light and sometimes this world. People can say stuff to you and tell you you can't do and you know you can but when they tell you that, it kinda knocks you down a bit right. So I wanted to make a record that reminds each and every one of yall to let your light shine."
I love this message and think it couldn’t have come at a better time, with some much strife and anger in the world.
And people like Will and Jeff are trying to set a positive message and let people know they can persevere.
This does go with the same style and message that we have seen time and time again from the duo, with their clean lyrics and appearance and in the message we receive as fans.
As a kid, They were one of the few Rap Groups I was allowed to listen to without having to hide my RAP loving roots.
But with songs like "I think I can beat Mike Tyson, Nightmare on My Street, and Summertime " They were very popular in my house, and these were songs that were fun to listen to and Parent Approved.
And with that! On to some RETRO TV news!
Yall remember HEATHERS, that movie about 2 people that plot to kill three popular girls named Heather. Ya, good movie right? Well, someone decided not to leave it well enough alone and its being reboot as a TV series.
As if we didn’t already have enough violence and crap happening in schools, I for one think its just not the right time for this type of show.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved Heathers and I think it’s a great story line, but with all the troubles in schools these days – I just don’t know..
Not only that - Why havent these TV Networks realized that you can't take a movie plot, and try to regurgitate it into new storylines each year.
Next thing you know, they will try and make a TITANIC TV series. It could happen..
Ok, so lets move on to some RETRO Fashion stuff!
Once again. High Waisted Jeans are back in STYLE!
No, not those High Waisted jeans. Im talking about the High Waisted jeans, that were pleated and tapered with popular brands like Jordache, Guess, and Z Cavaricci.
Well, Cavaricci who first launched his fashion company in 1982 just announced they are making the jeans again, and they are going to be sold exclusively online and will come at a pretty hefty price point, at more that 225 dollars for a pair of ugly ass jeans.
May be good they cost so much, cause if your gonna wear that god aweful style, you might as well pay the bozo cost that goes along with it.
But, we all know - with people like the Kardashians and Jenners wearing these styles, were sure to see it all over the world in the blink of an eye.
Im sorry Valentino Garavani - I tried to warn them. Just sayin'
And just a short list of other Clothing Companies you can buy your 80s swag clothing from are JCREW, ESPIRIT, and don’t forget to go out and get you a pair of CHACOS!

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