Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jerry Seinfeld Going Old School in New NETFLIX Special | Jetsons reboot ...

Jerry Seinfeld just announced that he is going to be doing a new Netflix special, that will debut on September 19th.
The hour long set is called Jerry Before Seinfeld, and it will feature jokes and stories from his comedic life BEFORE he became a huge star.
It will rehash old material that put him on the map at the start of his career and will also show lots of footage of him from his childhood.
I've watched some of his old standup specials, and they are hilarious.
I am a little bit surprised he went this direction with his show though, cause its been 20 years since we've seen a stand-up special from Jerry.
I do like this concept of bringing back his old school act, and think it’s a good way for him to re-introduce himself to the younger generations that may not know him.
Just hope the younger generations think his act is still relevant, cause this could be a huge gamble for the 63 year old.
Then, On to Retro Gaming news!
Starting on August 28th at 11 AM Pacific Time, 123 episodes from the original video arcade game show from 1982 will be airing back to back on SHOUT FACTORIES TWITCHTV channel for 6 days.
And why should I watch some old ass game show about arcade games you may be asking?
Cause the show is awesome, and this is a great opportunity to see what it is all about, since the reboot is just around the corner.
Also, guest host Erika Ishii from the show Geek and Sundry will be introducing the episodes and doing commentary.
The stream is SHOUT FACTORYS way to advertise the upcoming STARCADE reboot, which SHOUT FACTORY has been tight lipped about so far, but it probably wont be long before we hear news on when the show will air.
Also, The SNES went on sale for pre-orders on Tuesday, just after midnight and it was a cluster.
Not only did most of the stores open up pre-order sales just after midnight, but by morning time, they were sold out.
I've heard that periodically, you can catch it available on amazon and Target, but that’s a shot in the dark.
Next, lets talk about TV and Movie stuff.
For those that love the show Halt and Catch Fire, this season may really hit home with all those that remember the beginning of the Internet age.
This 4th and final season, which just started last week will spawn some nostalgia for the early days of the internet and its already kicking off with a bang.

if your not watching this show, I highly recommend it. It’s a really fun show that gives you a glimpse into how the computer boom happened, and You can catch it Tuesday nights on AMC.
Then just put out news that the Jetsons is coming back as a live action reboot with ABC just putting in a order for a PILOT episode to be made.
There's been no word on a cast yet, but it looks like it may have Robert Zemekis as executive producer, so that’s a good start.
If the pilot episode does well with the Network, it could get picked up as a new series, so here's hoping that it doesn’t bomb.
And next, were gonna change gears for a minute.
As a kid, I grew up watching really old comedy movies like The Nutty Professor, Cinderfella, the Bellboy, and the Patsy.
All of these, legendary Actor and Comedian Jerry Lewis Starred in.
Well. Jerry Lewis died Sunday August 20th, and he was 91 years old.

Jerry Lewis was a comedian that anyone around from the late 1950s to the 80s knew well and he was as memorable for his comedy and films as he was for his deep dedication to the Muscular Dystrophy Telethons. Which he hosted from 1966 to 2010 and raised more than a billion dollars for their cause.
Mr. Lewis was truly a great human being and a wonderful man in the eyes of so many. He will really be missed
And here's a quote I'll leave you with from him - "I don't want to be remembered. I want the nice words when I can hear them.
I hope you heard them often Mr. Lewis. Farewell.

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