Thursday, June 29, 2017

My Little Pony Trailer Thoughts | Sony Vinyl Records Are Back

Looks like My Little Pony is finally getting the Big Screen treatment, and after watching the trailer, I have to say I was actually a bit impressed. Now, for the record, Im not a MLP fan, but this trailer definitely brought out my inner Brony. The trailer looks pretty good, and well just see for yourself.
OK, so I grew up around the time and popularity of My Little Pony. Probably only caught a few episodes in all these many years, but I've been around since its beginnings, and let me say - Old School Pony fans have nothing on this new breed of Bronys and Pegasisters. Theres a huge fandom out there and its not just kids anymore!
But, with that said, I'll probably take my daughter out to see it when it comes out.. Unless she doesn’t want to go.. In which, ill have to go by myself. Not a Brony. Just sayin'. But anyways, if your excited to see the movie, tell me why down below. Im curious to know why the PONY's are so popular.
And the next thing I want to talk about is that Vinyl records evidently are so popular again that SONY just announced this week that they are going to be bringing them back!
Sony Music stopped making Vinyl records way back in 1989, which ushered in the cassette tape, Compact Disk, MP3 and now we have streaming services.
But somehow, Vinyl records were able to weather the 28 year storm and make a music comeback. In fact, Vinyl record sales have been skyrocketing in the last few years and in 2016 alone, vinyl accounted for 3.6 percent of global music revenue. And according to CNN Money, it could capture more than 17% this year!
Right now, the real thing holding back the boom of the Vinyl industry is the lack of factories to produce the age old media format. Currently, there are only 16 operational presses in the US and most of these are overloaded with demand.
And probably the biggest question is why now? Why buy Vinyl? Well, one theory is that the hipsters started a trend when they were trying to step into the eclectic and niche world of LP's which led to its popularity.
Another theory is that with the boom of streaming media, many people have been exposed to music they otherwise may never have heard, and wanted to experience that olden day hiss and pop sound that you can only get with physical vinyl records. Also, it also draws in the listener with a physical connection to the music.
One things for sure - its back and its going to be here for a while.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

SNES Classic Edition 2017 Is Finally Here | Star Fox 2 News And More!

Welcome to Retro Crunch!
Nintendo finally got around to announcing that they ARE going to be selling the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition, and I've got all the latest insider info, and were gonna talk about that… RIGHT NOW!
Hey guys, Welcome back to RETRO CRUNCH, the nostalgia show that is all about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things 70s, 80s, and 90s! And if you havent already - be sure to hit the subscribe button and click that Bell so you get updates on the newest Retro Crunch videos.
So, we just got news today that the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic System, or as we affectionately like to call it, the Super NES Classic, is going to be in stores on September 29th, 2017 for a mere $79.99 and this time, Nintendo says they will be selling a lot more units in anticipation of the huge demand for the new console.
Unlike the 30 games that came with the NES Classic mini, it looks like the Super NES classic will come with 21 games.
There are 13 single player games, 5 alternating 2 player games, and 3 simultaneous 2 player games.
Nintendo is also going to be releasing the Super NES Classic in Europe in which they list the same games and hardware specs as the US version.
The only difference with the UK version is that it has a different case than the US one, but both will be for sale on September 29th in their respective regions.
And last is that there's been No details on the Japanese "Super Famicom Classic Edition" being released, but I can assure you that if the US and UK are getting it, Japan will most surely have one of equal stature or better.
SO, now that you've been all informed on the Super NES Classic, what did you most like about the release news or what do you think NINTENDO missed out on adding? Id love to hear your thoughts about this in the comments section down below.
And that’s it for this RETRO news update my fellow retroheads! So, If you liked this video, be sure to hit the LIKE button and if you're new to the channel, hit that subscribe button and also be sure to leave your comments below with what RETRO topics you'd like to see me cover NEXT!
Thanks for watching!

Roger Moore | STARCADE Reboot!

The first thing I want to talk about, and dearest to my heart is the passing of movie legend and icon, Roger Moore. Roger Moore was best know for playing the secret agent James Bond in 7 films ranging from 1973 to 1985. He was my favorite Bond throughout all of the years and he will be greatly missed.

Whether you’re a fan of Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig, or any of the others - you have to admit, the guy did a pretty good job in the role. In his passing I took some time to read some of the heartwarming stories people have written about their encounters with him and theres one in particular I will post down below, that I hope you enjoy.

And next, For the fans of the old 80s arcade games, you may have heard of the Arcade Game show STARCADE. Well, STARCADE was the first ever video arcade game show. It was popularly used to showcase brand new arcade games that were coming out.

In the show, 2 contestant players would compete in three rounds of playing 3 different games in which the goal was to amass the highest score. The winner after round 3 got to play in the bonus round in which the final prizes were things like a arcade game, a home entertainment robot, or even a vacation. The show had 133 episodes and ran from 1982 to 1983.
Well, The show rights were recently purchased by Shout! Factory and there are plans to reboot the series. This could be interesting as we may see the likes of Playstation, Nintendo, or Xbox competitions in place of the old Arcade styles of the past. If youd like to learn more or just watch some of the old episodes, head on over to and check out their site.
So that’s it guys for this update on all your RETRO news this week, and If you liked the video, be sure to hit the LIKE button and if your new to the channel, be sure to hit the subscribe button and be sure to leave your comments below about what RETRO topics you'd like to see me cover NEXT!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Netflix Making A Choose Your Own Adventure Show? Puss in Book | Prince D...

Hey guys, Welcome back to RETRO CRUNCH, the nostalgia show that is all about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things 70s, 80s, and 90s!  And if you havent already - be sure to hit the subscribe button and click that Bell so you get updates on any new retro crunch videos.  

And The first topic of the day is NETFLIX's foray into Interactive storytelling on TV with a kids book called "Puss in Book".  This new show format allows kids to have a choice on how the narrative of the story is played out.  This really reminds me of the old Choose Your Old Adventure books of the 80s and 90s, accept its on Television!   

The Puss in Book - Trapped in a Epic Tale starts with the character Puss from the Shrek movie series getting himself stuck inside a books fairy tale story and his goal is to master some challenges so he can make his way out of the book.  I love how NETFLIX is revolutionizing kids story telling, And this first show is only the beginning.  NETFLIX already has plans to release 2 more.  The second being about a NETLIX Original series character, Buddy Thunderstruck and the 3rd is a Stretch Armstrong story - which once again, seems to be NETFLIX adding in some of that Nostalgic flair.  Stretch Armstrong was a huge influence and popular toy for kids in the 1960s and 70s and NETFLIX is playing off that. 

So, I have to say - these guys at NETFLIX reeaaallllyyy have their pulse on what people want.  Every time I think they just about done every nostalgia angle, BAM!!  They hit us with something we were not expecting.  And this time its something that is not only on the cusp of revolutionizing Television, but its also a nod to one of the 80s kids favorite book club moments of the past.   The Choose Your Own Adventure  series.   

And next, we have a PRINCE UPDATE - Just released today, and if you happen to catch this video on time is Prince's PURPLE RAIN DELUXE EDITION which is out now in stores.  Like me, you may already have The Purple Rain CD, but what makes this one different is that it not only contains the original album, but also 11 previously unreleased songs and a slew of extended and very hard to find dance mixes.  So this is a must have collection for any PRINCE fan.   

And also in RETRO news.  I'll bet you'd like to have another flip phone for that real nostalgia feeling, right?.  Well, if so, then Samsung has got you covered.  Samsungs has a new flip phone called the Galaxy Folder 2 and currently is only available in South Korea, but there is speculation that it will soon be released worldwide.  It has the look and feel of the old Motorola RAZR, but with a lot better options.  It has a 3.8 inch screen, a 1.4gig quad processor, microSD storage, and will run Android Lollipop 6.0, right out the box.  I'd be very interested to see this phone in person, but from the pictures ive seen it’s a nice phone - and who doesn’t just love flip phones!  

Then Last in RETRO news, ZIMA is back for a limited time only!!  ZIMA was a malternative malt liquor that hit the market back in 1993 and was popular for a while until it was eventually pulled from shelves in 2008.  Well its back in stores just in time for the 4th of July holidays.  I know Zima sorta got a name for being a girl drink near the end of its run, but I for one am anxious to try it again.. You know, in the name of science.    

So…  that’s it for this RETRO news update guys.  Hope you enjoyed the show and Thanks for watching! 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Oreo O's are back | Flatliners Reboot? | SDCC 2017 GIJOE Exclusive Toys!

Hey guys, Welcome back to RETRO CRUNCH, the nostalgia show that is all about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things 70s, 80s, and 90s! 

Who doesn’t love OREO's.  Ok, well most of us love them anyways.  Well back in 1998 Oreos debut the cereal OREO O's and then  freakin discontinued them back in 2007.  Well  Thank goodness the SUGAR gods have answered our prayers and they are back in stores this June after 10 years!  

Whats interesting about this is, people loved this cereal so much when it was discontinued people were paying like 220 bucks for a box on EBAY.  I liked them myself, but daaaammnnn that’s a lot of money..  Also, the company POST, that makes OREO O's says they DID NOT change the recipe for this new release.   Anyways - go out and get you some O's!!  

Then in Movie news, FlatLiners is being reboot or sequeled, or something..  And I Cant wait to find out!  From watching the preview trailer, theres some similarities, but this new one looks a lot creepier, but it does sorta lack that star appeal.  The original movie featured a seminal cast of some of the best actors and actresses of its generation, but the new reboot has more up and comers and shows more of a technical ride in the psychy of the mind than its former.  

Keifer Sutherland is going to be in this reboot, so it does seem like it could be a loosely connected sequel, and maybe we will find that the Keifer is introduced somewhere near the middle of the movie and tells how he and a group of friends tried the same experiment 20 years before and opened a portal to hell.  Well, whatever it is, im sure he will play an imortal role.   

And in the Comics scene.  One of the Oldest and hard to find GI JOE playsets of the early 80s is going to be re-released at the San Diego ComiCon, which I still have not been too.  It is the Exclusive HASBRO GI Joe Cobra Missile Command Headquarters.  The original set was released in 1982 and 83 and was discontinued by 1984 and in part is rare because it is made of cardboard and this alone makes it fragile and hard to maintain over many years.  

Its really hard to find and the one I did find for sale on EBAY, they wanted 450.00 dollars for.  I never had the set growing up, but it was certainly on my radar!  Since its coming back as an exclusive again, maybe ill pick it up.  The set will be sold at the SDCC hasbro booth for 49.99 and you can buy it for a short time after SDCC at 

Lastly, some other stuff updates.. 

Looks like a recent toxicology report has determined the cause of death of Carey Fisher to be related to not only her bout with Sleep Apnea, but also they found recent use of cocaine, heroin, and extacy in her system.  Shes diaried her long bout with drug use in her memoirs and interviews and I just hope now that the family can have some closure. 

And last, is that The fresh prince and Jazzy jeff are going to be reuniting for a 2 night performance in Europe this august.  Wish to hell they'd bring this act to the states cause I for one would be in line to go to see these guys play!   

And that’s it for this RETRO news update.   

So If you liked the video, be sure to hit the LIKE button and if your new to the channel, hit that subscribe button and also leave your comments below with what RETRO topics you'd like to see me cover NEXT! 

Thanks for watching! 

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Hey guys, Welcome back to RETRO CRUNCH, the show that is all about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things 70s, 80s, and 90s!
Welp guys! Looks like there's going to be a Top Gun sequel. Tom Cruise announced the news in an interview on an Australian morning show while promoting his new movie Mummy. This would mark some highly awaited news since Top Gun is now 30 years old. Also, Val Kilmer was asked about whether he would rejoin the cast for a Top Gun sequel and he was very interested - so all we need is for Goose to be resurrected and were all set! Kinda makes you wonder if a Nerds reboot should be in the works??? Hmmm…
And just last week Tom Cruise announced in an interview with Access hollywoo that theres now a title: Top Gun: Maverick and it looks like its going to center around combat simulation and competition dogfighting. In the world of drones and robot technology, I would not be surprised to see a man vs machine storyline for this new sequel. Maybe something like the movie Deal of the Century, staring Chevy Chase. Never know?
Also, Just this week, it was announced that The Gong Show is going to be coming back to television.
I remember watching the GONG SHOW as a kid, but im really curious to see if ABC is going to be able to bring that same fun and excitement to this remake. The interesting thing about the new GONG SHOW is the host will be none other than Mike Myers - whos no stranger to changing his appearance on screen and will be in disguise as Tommy Maitland, a made up character that even has a huge bogus bio to backup his career.
This looks like a huge gamble by ABC, and seems pretty weird to say the least, but then again, the GONG SHOW was pretty weird anyways. The show will premiere June 22nd on ABC, so I'll deffinately be catching this one to see if it lives up to expectations.
And last is news that Battle of the Network Stars is being revived and will premiere on June 29th at 9 PM Eastern time on ABC. I watched all of the old episodes in primetime each year and even rewatched some of them recently on TVLAND and look forward to this one starting!
The original series pitted various stars from the ABC, CBS, and NBC networks against each other to crown the winning network the winner of the battle and it ran from 1976 to 1988.
This new series is going to be a hosted by 2 teams consisting of MMA fighter Ronda Rousey and NFL star Demarcus Ware and According to ABC, there will be 100 TV stars from 14 different network and cable companies that will compete on the show.
The hosts of the show will be Mike Greenberg and Joe Tessitore from ESPN and Cassidy Hubbarth and Cari Champion, also of ESPN will be the sideline reporters.
So that’s it guys for this update on all your RETRO news this week, so If you liked the video, be sure to hit the LIKE button and if your new to the channel, be sure to hit the subscribe button and leave your comments below with what RETRO topics you'd like to see me cover NEXT!
Thanks for watching!