Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Oculus Has A New 80s VR Game Experience And It BLEW my mind | MiYubi...

This week on RETRO CRUNCH, There's a new Nostalgic 80s VR ---game for the Oculus Rift and GEAR VR, also we have the scoop on the new IT trailer, then some APPLE news, and a whole lot more!
Hey guys, Welcome back to RETRO CRUNCH, the nostalgia show that is all about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things 70s, 80s, and 90s!
To start off the show, It seems that VR is all the rage right now.

With Movies about VR, like Ready Player One that delve into 80s Music and Pop Culture AND a new VR experience called MIYUBI.
Looks like all of us Nostalgia lovers are going to enjoy VR, maybe more than we expected.
In Miyubi, a brand new Oculus and Gear VR Experience, we get a 40 minute long retro-futuristic 80s movie that tells the story of a Japanese toy robot that’s given to a boy on his birthday in 1982.
The story is told through the eyes of the robot, and details his observance of the families trials and tribulations through about a year.
You will be immersed in 80s toys, music and television, and also experience the Nostalgic 80s aesthetic through-out the home, and you'll see and hear tons of Retro memories during the experience.
The creators took every opportunity to try and put something into the game that will make anyone that longs for the 80s feel like they just went back in time, and from what I've seen, its looks really immersive and has tons of detail!
The few things it may lack is that I didn’t find a lot of opportunity to interact physically with the environment and objects.
Also, I think the game will have a small demographic, as the kids and millennials may not find this type of experience as enjoyable as many of the Nostalgic generations of the 70s, 80s, and 90s will.

If you have VR though, you may want to go pick it up.
Then Up next in movie news. There's a new Trailer for IT that damn near made me pee a little.
I was pretty suspect at first about this movie, only because I have really high hopes for it, but it does look like its going to be really good and I'm excited for opening day.
Ill link to the new trailer in the description down below for you guys.
Also, Atomic Blonde just hit theaters and this one looks like it may be a winner.
The film is Set in 1989, its about an undercover MI6 agent that is sent to Berlin during the cold war to investigate the murder of a fellow agent, and recover a missing list of double agents.
Aside from the trailer looking badass, this one has tons of 80s visuals and a nice 80s soundtrack to boot.
Anyway, the next thing I want to do is introduce is our RETRO FLASH segment!
Here's where I'll mention some of the noteworthy stories that didn’t quite make it into the show but that I thought you guys still might wanna know about.
SO, with that. Here we go!
For those that didnt know, the IPOD is Dying out and the touch is the last IPOD model standing!
Apple quietly took down their IPOD nano and shuffle links from their website and all the "learn more" and "buy" links to URLS are no longer available.
You can still get them in retail stores until shipments stop or inventory runs out though.
Next, you gotta check out this great 80s video that was put out by Sesame Street.
If you love 80s songs, or the Sesame Street cast, this video will make you smile.
And for that lucky few that pre-ordered the Super NES Classic from WALMART online - well, got some bad news.
WALMART is cancelling all your orders.
Apparently, they screwed up and should not have allowed pre-orders, but somehow there was a mistake and the website was authorizing them.
And that’s where we end it for this episode of your weekly dose of RETRO NEWS.
So, Be sure to give this video a share and like if you enjoyed it, and as always, if your new to the channel, don’t forget to subscribe!
Thanks for watching!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Top 10 current TV shows about the 80s that you need to watch right now

We're counting down the Top 10 Current TV shows about the 80s that you need to watch right now!
Coming in at #10 is This is Us.
Technically, it only partially takes place in the 80s, but it came out the gate as a huge success and really does a great job of portraying the 80s lifestyle in the flashbacks.
#9 on the list is REDOAKS.
This series tells the story of a young tennis player who works at the prestigious and exclusive Red Oaks Country Club during the summer between his sophomore and junior years of college in the 1980s. Red Oaks is a comedy web television series by Amazon Studios.
At #8, we have NARCOS.
Season 1 chronicles the life of Pablo Escobar from the late 1970s, when he first began manufacturing cocaine, and continues on to July 1992. Narcos tells the true-life story of the growth and spread of drug cartels selling cocaine across the globe and pursuing efforts of law enforcement to meet them head on in brutal, bloody conflict. You can catch the current seasons in their entirety on NETFLIX.
Our #7 pick Deutschland 83 Might catch some off-guard.
It is an eight-episode German television series starring Jonas Nay as a 24-year-old native of East Germany who in 1983 is sent to the West as an undercover spy for the  foreign intelligence agency of the Stasi called the HVA.
#6 is The Americans.
This is an American 80s period drama television series created by Joe Weisberg for the FX television network. Set in the early 1980s during the Cold War, The Americans is the story of  Elizabeth and Philip Jennings. They are two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple living in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. along with their children Paige and Henry and their neighbor Stan Beeman, an FBI agent who works in counterintelligence. The 10 episode, sixth and final season is slated to air in 2018.
Our pick at #5 is "Snowfall"
This crime drama from John Singleton explores the origins of the Los Angeles 1980s crack epidemic and it premiered July 5th on FX. Set in 1983 Los Angeles, the series revolves around the first crack epidemic and its impact on the culture of the city.
The series follows the stories of several characters whose lives are doomed to intersect. They are a 19-year-old drug dealer, a Mexican luchador, a CIA operative, and the daughter of a Mexican crime boss.
And #4 is "GLOW"
This Netflix comedy tells the lightly fictionalized story of the wemen who starred in the cult-hit all-female pro wrestling TV show GLOW that aired for four seasons in the 80s.
Set in Los Angeles in 1985, Ruth Wilder, a struggling actress, auditions along with dozens of other women in a fledgling professional wrestling promotion called the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. She is at odds with GLOW's director Sam Sylvia due to her tendency to overact. When Ruth's best friend, former soap opera actress Debbie Eagan, arrives at the ring, their confrontation promises to either make or break the show.
AT #3 we have "Halt and Catch Fire"This cult hit AMC series is Set in the 1980s, and dramatizes the personal computing boom through the eyes of a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy whose innovations directly confront the corporate behemoths of the time.
The #2 spot goes to "The Goldbergs"
A show based on its creator’s childhood, “The Goldbergs,” is set in a small Pennsylvania town in the 1980s. The show leans hard on the decade's most awkward elements, like tracksuits and hideous matching outfits. The Goldbergs is an American sitcom that premiered on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 on ABC. It is based on Goldberg's childhood and family in the 1980s, complete with a childhood version of himself. The fourth season premiered on September 21st, 2016 and In May 2017, ABC renewed the series for a fifth and sixth season.
And the #1 PICK..Stranger Things
Set in 1980s Indiana, science fiction/horror-thriller “Stranger Things” plays on many cultural elements of the decade, such as Stephen King novels and Spielberg films like "E.T." In Hawkins, Indiana, a young boy vanishes into thin air while cycling home one night. As friends, family and local police search for answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government experiments, terrifying supernatural forces, monsters and one very strange little girl. This is must watch TV.
Stranger Things will be returning for season two on October 27 on Netflix.

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Roseanne show being reboot in 2018

And First thing were gonna talk about is what's up with the New Roseanne show that’s coming back in 2018?
The new show doesn’t yet have an air date, but what we do know is that Roseanne and John Goodman will be returning to the show and there's speculation that Goodman dying in the last episode of the series will be explained as being a dream sequence.
There's been no clear evidence yet of how or if they will explain it, they may just act like it never happened.
We will also see the return of DJ, Darlene, Jackie, and Becky, and according to, the show may be focused on Darlene and David's kids, which ABC has cast someone to play Darlene's now 14 year old daughter Harris, but they are still looking to cast the so far unnamed 9 year old son. Still not sure if Johnny Galecki, who played David will be returning to the show or will play a limited role given his busy schedule with Big Bang Theory, but anything's possible.
Also, there's been a lot of recent articles that say that the show will make it a point to address the Trump Presidency both good and bad. For those that have followed Roseanne's career, they are aware that she has never shyed away of expressing her political views and this new Roseanne show may just be the platform she was looking for.
So, tell me? Are you excited to get a Roxanne Reboot? And how do you think they will explain Dan's death when the series starts? I'm curious on your thought on this. You can let me know in the comments section below.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Movie 2017 - Retro Crunch

Hey guys, Welcome back to RETRO CRUNCH, the nostalgia show that is all about Current Pop Culture, Movies, Music, and Games that relates to all things 70s, 80s, and 90s!
Close Encounters was originally released November 16, 1977 just months after Star Wars, so this November would mark its 40th anniversary and it is certainly possible that they plan to re release the original to be back in theaters for the celebration.
No details yet, as SONY seems to be keeping why the hell they put out the video a mystery, but I hope they do re-release, cause I would love to relive this classic movie in theaters.
There's a newly discovered photo of Amelia Earhart that might answer the questions of what happened when her plane disappeared 80 years ago while attempting to fly around the world.
This photo that surfaced shows what could be Earhart and her navigator Noonan on a dock while under Japanese custody in the Martial Islands. And also in the picture is a boat towing what appears to be the remains of her airplane.
Over the years there's been much speculation as to what happened to Earhart, but corroborating reports of Earhart first being rescued, captured, and dying at the hands of the Japanese for spying are not seeming so far fetched anymore.
Theres a special about Earhart on whats been found that airs July 9th, on The History Channel so it may be worth watching and Im going to continue to follow this story for any updates and will link to the reports on the photo down below for anyone interested.
And next up, we found a viral video released by Sony's YouTube Channel just days ago on World UFO Day that suggests that we may be getting a re-release of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, in all its 1977 glory.
Also in TV news, looks like FX is producing a new show called SNOWFALL that’s about the 80s CRACK epidemic. This one looks interesting, if only to see how well FX can replicate that old 80s vibe.
And onto RETRO Teck - if your one of those that use facebook and hate seeing ads you don’t care about, well there's a App for the chrome browser that will change all the Facebook ads into RETRO ads from the 80s. Its called SOCIAL ADS, VINTAGE EDITION and you can get it for IOS or ANDROID.
And for those that don’t know - SPAMs just hit its 80s birthday anniversary and although I cant stand the taste of it, my mom made me eat it as a kid and I spent a few years in Hawaii where they eat it like candy.
Also, just for you SPAM loving types - Hormel put out a RETRO recipe list and im gonna link to that just for you guys! So, Bon Apetit!
And Last thing today, being a Huge Spiderman fan and loving its creator Stan Lee, I just wanted to highlight something important to me and I hope its important to you as well. Stan lost his wife Joan Lee this week after 67 years of marriage and I just want to post a few links down below for you guys to check out so you can see what a wonderful woman she was to him.
I lost my Mother and Father this last year and its been really tough getting through it , so I can only imagine how devastating it must be to lose someone you spent practically your entire adult life with.
So, Take care of yourself Stan, were all thinking about you.
And I think that’s all the RETRO news I have for you this time my fellow retroheads!
So, If you liked this video, be sure to hit the LIKE button and if you're new to the channel, hit that subscribe button and let me know what you thought about the topics we discussed in the comment section down below.
Keep it RETRO and Thanks for watching!